Family Stories

During my search of family stories, I soon had more than I could place in a single volume.  I eventually chose to focus mainly on those taking place at key moments in history.  This annotated Table of Contents from Family Stories …and My Search for Them introduces each set of stories and highlights some of the family names featured in each chapter, with dates of birth.  Check out the links to get images, photos, and more about the families.

Too few have paid attention to William the Conqueror’s wife, Matilda, who was perhaps the most remarkable woman of her times. Many more people than realize it can trace their lines along her sterling pedigree hundreds of years farther into early medieval Europe.  [more…]

Family Names

Matilda of Flanders, Matilda, Queen of England (b. c.1031)
William, Duke of Normandy, William I, King of England (b. c.1026)
Baldwin V, Count of Flanders (b. c.1012)
Robert, Duke of Normandy (b. 1000)
Henry I, King of England (b. 1068)

Charlie and Ida May Leonardson homestead a frontier ranch in the harsh mountain climate of the Idaho-Montana border.  Ida May’s heritage ascends to earliest colonial days, when non-conformist families exiled from Plymouth and Massachusetts find their way to Rhode Island.  Some of them are prominent in establishing the new values that made America. [more…]

Family Names

Ida May Dawley (b. 1859)
Charles (“Charlie”) Harry Leonardson (b. 1857)
Arthur J. Leonardson (b. 1882)
Dr. John Greene (b. c.1595)
Joan Tattershall (b. 1598)
John Greene of Quidnessett (b. c.1606)
Samuel Gorton (b. 1593)
Mary Mayplat (b. 1609)
James Greene (b. 1626)
Obadiah Holmes (b. 1609)
Katherine Hyde (b. 1608)
Chad Browne (b. 1605)
John Coggeshall (b. 1599)